InterWest Wildlife, Inc. conducts studies of federally listed threatened and endangered species, Forest Service sensitive and management indicator species, Federal candidate species, State species of concern, big game, carnivores, raptors, waterfowl, shorebirds and plants. Terrestrial studies included species surveys, clearance surveys, population dynamics, habitat assessment, Habitat Evaluation Procedures (HEP), impact assessment, mitigation plans, and literature reviews. Correspondence with professionals was an integral component of these studies and included correspondence with biologists from the USFWS, Forest Service, BLM, state wildlife agencies, EPA, COE, and species biologists. InterWest Wildlife, Inc. has prepared wildlife portions of numerous controversial environmental impact statements, environmental assessments, environmental reports, mitigation plans, and supporting biological evaluations and biological assessments. InterWest Wildlife, Inc. is HEP and Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) certified by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Species Surveys:
Conducted aerial and terrestrial surveys to determine
the presence, abundance, and habitat use of species. Detailed studies include
bald eagles, spotted owl, northern goshawk, snowy plover, neotropical migrants,
black-footed ferret, gray wolf, grizzly bear, woodland caribou, lynx, wolverine,
kit fox, elk, moose, deer, Mohave ground squirrel, Townsend's big-eared bat,
small mammals, desert tortoise, and Coeur d'Alene salamander.
Habitat Assessment: Assessed cover, forage, security, nesting/denning, parturition, hibernation, migration, dispersal, roosting, loafing, and staging habitat for many mountain, desert, sagebrush, and grassland species including those mentioned above.
Literature Review: Determined the habitat components critical and necessary for all of the species listed above and numerous other species. Review included the latest professional literature, federal and state publications, and university research.
Impact Assessment/Mitigation:
Assessed impacts and developed
mitigation for a variety of projects including timber sales, ski area developments,
commercial and residential building developments, reservoirs, mineral extraction,
highways, gas storage fields, pipelines, radio antenna sites, and dewatering
riparian areas.
Professional Correspondence: Correspondence included Federal agencies (USFWS, EPA, and COE) and state wildlife agencies in California, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming. Correspondence was also carried on with species biologists for bald eagles, spotted owl, other raptors, waterfowl, snowy plover, shorebirds, neotropical migrants, black-footed ferret, gray wolf, grizzly bear, woodland caribou, North American lynx, North American wolverine, marten, elk, small mammals, desert tortoise, Coeur d'Alene salamander, and herps.
Reports: Environmental Impact Statements, Environmental Assessments, Environmental Reports, Biological Assessments, Biological Evaluations, and Mitigation Plans.
Legal Compliance: Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, National Environmental Policy Act, National Forest Management Act, and Federal Land Policy and Management Act.