Cliffs Elk Telemetry Study: Wildlife Biologist/Pilot. Aerial
Telemetry study of elk in the Book Cliffs of Utah to determine seasonal movements,
habitat use, age and sex ratios and population growth. Study included collecting
aerial telemetry relocations in rugged and remote mountain terrain, data analysis,
coordinate conversion, mapping, and correspondence.
Kit Fox Study: Wildlife Biologist/Pilot. Determine the population characteristics of Kit Fox in the Great Salt Lake Desert using aerial telemetry for an academic research study. Study included relocating kit fox using aerial telemetry, data analysis, and coordinate conversion.
Japan Ecosystem Conservation Society: Wildlife Biologist/Pilot. Provided an introduction to and instruction in aerial telemetry to Society Biologists and helped set up an aerial telemetry research project for raptors in Japan.
Habitat Survey and Aerial Reconnaissance, Wasatch Plateau: Pilot. Flew several observers over a potential coal mining project area on the Wasatch Plateau. Survey included looking for raptor nests, big game seasonal ranges, habitat types, and wetlands.
Aerial Raptor Survey and big game winter range Survey: Wildlife Biologist/Pilot. Conducted an aerial survey for raptor nests and big game winter range on and around a development site in the Wasatch Mountains. Followed up with a ground survey and report.
Biological Clearance Survey and Wildlife Utilization: Wildlife Biologist/Threatened and Endangered Species Specialist. Threatened and endangered species clearance survey and wildlife utilization report for three wetlands in Salt Lake valley. Primarily involved endangered and candidate species, and wetland species including waterfowl and shorebirds.
Big Cottonwood Canyon Water Pipeline Clearance Survey: Wildlife Biologist/Threatened and Endangered Species Specialist. Clearance survey for TES species and assess potential impacts to plants and wildlife from a water pipeline replacement project in Big Cottonwood Canyon, Salt Lake County, Utah.
Boehm Field Natural Gas Storage Expansion ER: Wildlife Ecologist/Ferret Search Team Leader. Contributed to the completion of an environmental report for proposed deliverability enhancement of existing underground natural gas storage reservoirs within three storage fields in Kansas and Colorado. Performed black-footed ferret and raptor search within the Cimarron National Grasslands. Under contract with Colorado Interstate Gas Company (CIG), Colorado Springs, CO.
Olympic Winter Sports Park Environmental Report: Wildlife Ecologist. Responsible for assessment of impacts to local raptor populations and big game winter and migration habitat. Used both aerial and terrestrial survey techniques to map winter and migration habitat. Prepared an environmental report on Utah's proposed site for the 1998 Winter Olympics. Under contract with Utah Division of Facilities Construction and Management.
West Valley Highway EIS: Wildlife Ecologist. Responsible for coordination of all wildlife studies including endangered species conflicts, potential impacts to local wildlife and wildlife habitat, and mitigation planning. Activities included literature review, agency and client consultation, and site visits. Contributed to the preparation of an EIS for proposed improvements to West Valley Highway in urban Salt Lake City, UT. Under contract to Utah Department of Transportation. 1991.