InterWest Wildlife and Ecological Services, Inc. provides professional and experienced research and consulting services. InterWest Wildlife specializes in aerial telemetry studies, aerial surveys and biological consulting. We have extensive experience in threatened, endangered, and sensitive species. InterWest Wildlife is certified by the USFWS to use the Habitat Evaluation Procedures (HEP) and Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) models. InterWest Wildlife's principal is a Certified Wildlife Biologist and Commercial Pilot . InterWest Wildlife maintains a small core staff of professionals and works with a large base of cooperating independent contractors, thereby maintaining managerial and budgetary efficiency. Correspondence with professionals is always an integral component of wildlife studies and includes consultation with biologists from the USFWS, Forest Service, BLM, state wildlife agencies, EPA, COE, and species biologists.

InterWest Wildlife has conducted aerial telemetry studies for government and academic research studies and private land owners. The pilot is also a Certified Wildlife Biologist who understands the importance of obtaining accurate aerial telemetry relocations. Aerial telemetry studies have been conducted on a wide range of species and terrain types. Studies have included coyotes in the Wasatch Mountains, elk in the Book Cliffs, and kit fox in the West Desert of Utah.

InterWest Wildlife has extensive experience conducting aerial surveys over large and/or inaccessible tracts for raptors, waterfowl, shorebirds, big game, threatened, endangered and sensitive species and their habitat. Aerial surveys provide a thorough coverage of the area, provide a view of the "big picture" and is very cost effective.

InterWest Wildlife has consulted on the wildlife aspect of a wide range of projects. We have prepared numerous controversial wildlife reports as well as wildlife sections for Environmental Impact Statements and Environmental Assessments. We have also prepared numerous Biological Evaluations and Biological Assessments. IWW has conducted clearance surveys, habitat suitability studies, and mitigation plans for developments, water projects, and activities on federal lands.

References available upon request.



Aerial Telemetry

Aerial Surveys

Biological Consulting



Supporting Research

