Fox and Coyote Interaction Study: Wildlife Biologist/Pilot.
Study the interactions of coyote and kit fox to determine what impact coyotes
may have kit fox populations. Aerial telemetry study in the Great Salt Lake
Desert involving telemetry relocations, data analysis, and coordinate conversion.
Coyote Sterilization Study: Wildlife Biologist/Pilot. Collected the aerial telemetry relocations for an academic study of using surgical sterilization as a method of reducing predation an domestic sheep. Aerial telemetry relocations were collected over a large area in high elevation broken terrain habitat.
Honeyville Dam and Reservoir Environmental Evaluation: Wildlife Biologist/Threatened and Endangered Species Specialist/HEP Specialist. Evaluation of wildlife resources at a potential reservoir site within the Bear River drainage in northern Utah. Assessment involved HEP analyses and surveys for spotted frogs and raptors.
Habitat Assessment and Wildlife Utilization, Davis County, Utah: Wildlife Biologist/Threatened and Endangered Species Specialist. Threatened and endangered species clearance survey and wildlife utilization report for a 64 acre wetlands in Salt Lake valley. Primarily involved endangered and candidate species, and wetland species including waterfowl and shorebirds.
Daniel Replacement/Wasatch County Water Efficiency Project and Provo River Restoration Project EIS - A component of the Central Utah Project (CUP): Wildlife Biologist/Threatened and Endangered Species Specialist. Responsible for determining potential impacts to northern goshawk and three-toed woodpeckers. Conducted vocal surveys for northern goshawk and three-toed woodpecker. A Biological Evaluation documenting the analysis of impacts from the abandonment of canal systems within the Strawberry Valley in the Uinta National Forest was also prepared.
Honeyville Dam and Reservoir Environmental Evaluation: Wildlife Biologist/Threatened and Endangered Species Specialist/HEP Specialist. Evaluation of wildlife resources at a potential reservoir site within the Bear River drainage in northern Utah. Assessment involved HEP analyses and surveys for spotted frogs and raptors.
SHB Agra Earth & Environmental, Inc.: Wildlife Biologist/Threatened and Endangered Species Specialist. Threatened and endangered species clearance survey and wildlife utilization report for select wetlands in Salt Lake valley.
Vernal/Uintah County Airport Feasibility Study and Environmental Assessment: Wildlife Biologist/Threatened and Endangered Species Specialist. Surveyed for TES and wildlife utilization, consulted with BLM biologists, and helped prepare a environmental assessment for airport expansion/relocation of the Vernal Municipal airport, Utah.
General Cellular Biological Clearance Survey: Wildlife Biologist/Threatened and Endangered Species Specialist. Threatened and endangered species clearance survey and wildlife utilization report for several cellular towers in the Owen's Valley and surrounding mountains, California.
Provo Canyon Highway 189 Re-evaluation: Wildlife Biologist/Threatened and Endangered Species Specialist. Responsible for evaluation of wildlife resources within the Provo Canyon drainage in Utah to determine if the 1988 Supplemental EIS and subsequent design phase would create any further impacts to threatened, endangered, and candidate species. Species of special interest include spotted frog, bald eagle, valvata snail, golden eagle, and river otters. Surveyed for spotted frogs and valvata snails.
Bighorn National Forest Tie Hack Reservoir Project:
Wildlife Ecologist/Wildlife Team Leader. Conduct surveys for big game, small
mammals, and raptors; assessed habitat for threatened, endangered, sensitive,
candidate, indicator, game, and herp species; assessed impacts to these species
and developed appropriate mitigation for the impacts; Prepared specialist
reports, biological assessment, and EIS. Under contract with U.S. Forest Service.
Great Salt Lake Minerals Mitigation Project: Wildlife Ecologist/Wildlife Team Leader. Conduct aerial and terrestrial survey of waterfowl and shorebirds to determine the spatial and temporal use of wetlands associated with the Great Salt Lake ecosystem. Assessed wildlife and wetland functional values of these wetlands and impacts to them, and developed a mitigation plan to compensate for these impacts. Prepared biological reports and mitigation plan. Under contract with Great Salt Lake Minerals.
Idaho Panhandle National Forest Timber Sale Projects: Wildlife Ecologist/Wildlife Team Leader. Conduct wildlife assessments and analysis for threatened, endangered, sensitive, indicator, and game species; determine suitability of the habitat for these species; and conduct surveys for raptors, birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles for the various resource units which are part of Idaho Panhandle National Forests projects. Prepared specialist reports, biological evaluations, and biological assessments. Under contract with U.S. Forest Service.
Hyrum Reservoir Water Storage Project: Wildlife Ecologist/Wildlife Team Leader. Conduct wildlife surveys for threatened and endangered species, raptors, and big game and assesses habitat using HEP and HSI for Hyrum Dam which would be part of Bear River water storage development. Surveys included study of the effects of Hyrum Dam expansion on wildlife and their habitat. Responsible for the wildlife specialist report portion to final project report. Under contract with Utah Division of Water Resources Department of Natural Resources, Salt Lake City, UT.
Charlie Tyson Timber Sales EA: Wildlife Ecologist/Wildlife Team Leader. Act as wildlife team leader for the completion of an EA for an 18,000-acre analysis area on the St. Maries Ranger District in northern Idaho. Conduct wildlife assessments and analysis for threatened, endangered, sensitive, indicator, and game species, determine suitability of the habitat for these species, and conduct surveys for raptors, birds, mammals, and herpetofauna. Prepare wildlife technical reports for inclusion in the final NEPA report. Under contract with U.S. Forest Service.
Clearwater National Forest Timber Sale Projects: Wildlife Ecologist/Team Leader. Wildlife team leader for the completion of two EA's and an EIS on the North Fork and Pierce Ranger Districts in northern Idaho. Conduct wildlife assessments and analysis for threatened, endangered, sensitive, indicator, and game species, determine suitability of the habitat for these species, and conduct surveys for raptors, birds, mammals, and herpetofauna. Prepare wildlife technical reports for inclusion in the final NEPA report. Under contract with U.S. Forest Service.
Early Winters Resort Supplemental EIS: Wildlife Ecologist. Acted as wildlife ecologist for preparation of the wildlife section of a Supplemental EIS for the Okanogan National Forest, Washington. Conducted wildlife assessments and analysis for threatened, endangered, and game species on the analysis area and land exchange parcels. Determined suitability of the habitat for these species, and conducted surveys for spotted owls, gray wolves, and raptors. Also completed wildlife analysis for big game migration corridors and effects of development on Washington's most financially important deer herd. Prepared wildlife technical reports for inclusion in the final NEPA report. Under contract with U.S. Forest Service.
Young Field Natural Gas Storage Expansion ER: Wildlife Ecologist. Mapped prairie dog towns from aerial survey and ground truthing; determined suitability of area to support black-footed ferrets; prepared an environmental report for proposed deliverability enhancement of existing underground natural gas storage reservoirs. Under contract with Colorado Interstate Gas Company (CIG), Colorado Springs, CO.
Black Sheep Proposed Timber Sales EA: Wildlife Ecologist.
Acted as wildlife ecologist under a contract from the Idaho Panhandle National
Forests to prepare an EA on a proposed timber sale on the St. Maries District
in northern Idaho, the first such EA contracted out in the region. The project
is generally accepted by the Forest Service as the precursor to additional
analyses by outside contractors. Reassessed elk habitat potential under several
alternatives for the EA. Under contract with the U.S. Forest Service.
Bear River Water Development Predesign Report: Wildlife Ecologist/Team Leader. Evaluated the relative wildlife habitat and gathered baseline wildlife habitat information utilizing HEP and HSI at five potential dam sites on the Bear River in Cache and Box Elder Counties, Utah for an environmental report. Prepared for Utah Division of Water Resources.
Confidential Corporate Client Wetlands Delineation: Ecologist. Assessed wildlife functional values of wetlands and assisted in delineation of wetlands in northern Utah. Contributed to the completion of a report documenting wetlands on 19,000 acres.
Lake Catamount Resort EIS: Wildlife Ecologist. Conducted literature search and study to determine the population status of two Colorado-listed threatened and endangered species (lynx and wolverine) on the Routt National Forest in Colorado. Prepared in cooperation with the Forest Service, Routt National Forest, Steamboat Springs, CO. 1990.
Madden Pipeline ER: Wildlife Ecologist. Conducted a survey for prairie dog colonies in Wyoming to determine suitability of habitat for black-footed ferrets along a natural gas pipeline. Survey conducted by flying over proposed route, locating all prairie dog colonies, and mapping the colonies by ground truth. Environmental report was submitted to the BLM, Lander, WY. 1990.
Bear Mountain Report Review: Wildlife Ecologist. Researched survey techniques for a proposed threatened species (spotted owl) and reviewed a draft report of a spotted owl study on the San Bernardino National Forest in southern California. 1990.
Fort Peck Indian Reservation Instream Flow Study: Wildlife Ecologist. Evaluated non-game and game wetland wildlife habitat associated with riparian corridors and their potential for improvement as part of an instream flow study on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation, Poplar, MT. 1990.
Loon Mountain Ski Area Expansion EIS: Wildlife Ecologist. Researched spring feeding habits and mitigation possibilities for Black Bear in Vermont. Conducted in cooperation with the Forest Service, White Mountain National Forest, Lincoln, NH. 1990.
Louisiana Pipeline ER: Wildlife Ecologist. Performed on-site evaluation and environmental report preparation of effects to wildlife from a proposed natural gas pipeline in Louisiana and Mississippi. Prepared for Cornerstone Pipeline Company, Dallas, TX. 1990.
Dugway Proving Ground Land Withdrawal EA: Wildlife Ecologist. Assisted in preparing the wildlife section of a draft EA for a BLM land withdrawal in Tooele County, UT. 1990.